Bitty Party!

These are the visiting Bittys as of August 5th, 2004. There will be a few more arriving, but the Bittys can't resist a party, so they have begun the fun...

Here's the group picture of the arrivals so far.
Sylvia Ybarra sent two trunks of clothing. The Bittys can't keep their hands off them and they begin playing dress-up! Imelda Marcos would be proud!
Lokelina works on her tan. Bitsy Boo heats up the barbecue. Bitty Hitty Kelly is newly elasticized and thinks she might fall off the bench. Antoinette wants to eat her dinner on the scooter.
After dinner a few of the Bittys try out the toys. Pearl and Lulu play chutes and ladders, "Little bit" likes the white horse. Chiquita is a natural horsewoman. Bitty Roberta can't leave the train alone. Tracy's Bitty won't tell us her name, but she thinks croquet would be fun!