Building the upper wing

May 2, 2004. Today we built the upper wing. Tess carefully inspects each piece as it goes in -- she doesn't want any surprises during flight testing!

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Tess with the last airfoil frame. Sliding Lego blocks under the wing tips to set the dihedral* angle. Measuring the dihedral to be sure it's right.
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Putting the last frame in place. Although the wings are super-glued, we decide to add some epoxy for extra strength. That looks pretty solid!
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Let's just set the wing up on the fuselage to see how it looks. This is great! And I still fit! A doll soars on the wings of her imagination...

* Dihedral: an upward tilt of the wings, giving them a shallow "V" shape. This shape makes the aircraft more stable in flight. The original Nieuport II, being a fighter, had very little dihedral to make it less stable and more maneuverable. Tess is hoping her plane will be so stable that it almost flies itself.