Itty Bitty Hitty makeover

I wanted to turn an Itty Bitty Hitty into a "real" wooden doll. This meant I had to disassemble her, get rid of the wire upper limbs, and make wooden replacements. I also decided to lower her hairstyle a bit.

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Not very tall Big hair and a bit stout-looking.
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Well! Once the layers and layers of clothes come off, she's not stout after all! Still suffering from short legs and big hair, though.
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Look at what she was wearing! Two layers of underclothes, one dress and a pinafore! A little like Heidi, wearing all her outfits so she wouldn't have to carry them - Only Itty Bitty's were sewn on! I quickly reduce her to the wooden parts. They are nicely made.
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I have to peg on arm and leg extensions. Next time I will make the legs longer - but this time I kept her original proportions. I add a bit to the bottom of the torso, so her legs have something to hang upon. Hmmm... The thighs are a bit chunky.
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Here she is, slimmed and pegged and glued. The pegs go into the newly added parts and also into the old maple parts. Her arms and legs are much more cooperative now that they don't have to bend wire to move. Also, her hands and feet don't do that creepy thing of turning around backward.
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New dress and she's ready to go!

In the final analysis, she probably would have benefitted by a coat of paint to cover the joints where her arms and legs attach to their new parts, but she's not unhappy with her prostheses and she's enjoying a whole lot more play than before. She's decided to be a pirate when she grows up.